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>> Travel Guides and Travel Information : [TravelGuidesTravel] 19 Things To Do In The South-West Before You Die

Travel Guides and Travel Information -

Hit the Wild South West.

Watch the sun set on deserted Tregardock

Head to Cornwall for an almost secret, non-existent at high tide, pretty inaccessible, impossibly romantic beach. / Via

Spend a perfect day at Claverton Weir

Stretch out by the singing waters of the weir or explore the shallow pools, located near Bath. / Via

Find the lost village of Tyneham nestled on the Isle of Purbeck

Explore a lost village in Dorset, roam the incredible coastline and watch the sun set on Worbarrow Bay. / Via

Run with wild ponies amongst mystical, moss-covered woodland

Ancient Wistman's Wood is home to native Dartmoor ponies, and, many believe, faeries. / Via

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