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Travel advice for pregnant

It is common for women to ask themselves whether it is safe or not to travel while pregnant. No room for doubt about this: a pregnant woman can and should go anywhere with proper care.

Here are some tips for a happy pregnant take this stage, traveling wherever you want.

First to say you can go where you please and by the middle of your choice until the 35th week of pregnancy. Here the only authoritative voice to tell you something will be your doctor.

The first is to reduce stress levels which can cause a trip. Do not be misled by fear of losing a flight (salt time home or hotel), or let the bad mood of a flight attendant, you get nervous.

Save your energy. Being pregnant may not want to participate in every activity possible to save you trouble later. You know that extra weight can cause tiredness or heaviness in the limbs if you spend much time standing or walking. Take your time to do these walks and activities you most excited about, and make short breaks in tours or hikes.

Llevate bags of healthy snacks (no chips) and drink to combat the decay and fatigue. Sports drinks are very good for it.

On the plane, the aisle seat reservation. You will have the ability to move your legs a bit more and be more simpler for you on your trips to the bathroom. You can make small rotating movements with your feet to maintain good circulation.

Remember that children and pregnant can board the plane first, so that you do expect.

Bring comfortable shoes. Those old shoes you like so much may not be as Gamur but be your best traveling companions. Do not ever travel brand shoes.

Consult your physician about the need and desirability of vaccination according to the destination of your trip.

Wear clothes loose and comfortable, easy to put on and wash. That the item of clothing is not a "problem".

Your valet your particular situation: many museums and institutions have special access for children and pregnant and if you need a break, ask your right to the seat without shame.

A small urban backpack should be sufficient for the needs of the day. When you go for a walk in a new city, take sunscreen, sunglasses, hat, water and information materials.

Ah! And your camera to your baby then tell where he was traveling, even before birth.

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